Sonographer on your Shoulder

A 6-month programme

Our UK-based 'Sonographer On Your Shoulder' ultrasound training and mentorship programme offers a combination of robust peer support and unique blended learning resources to take you from ultrasound novice to nerd!

Sonographer on your Shoulder USA Style!

A 6-month virtual training and mentorship programme

Our highly successful UK-based 'Sonographer On Your Shoulder' ultrasound training and mentorship programme has arrived in America.
With our new Aspire UCS Ultrasound Lead on board, this unique format, a clever combination of robust peer support and blended learning resources, can take you, our American veterinary colleagues, on your journey from ultrasound novice to nerd!
What's more, this mentorship programme has been proven to accelerate your learning journey, helping you to become confident and consistent at driving your ultrasound system whilst performing normal abdominal ultrasound surveys.

Aspire UCS Ultrasound Mentorship Group

From £25/month

We want to be a regular part in your ultrasound learning journey, there to support your ultrasound system and clinical technique skills with community mentorship, enabling you to become more confident and competent at scanning.