Take the familiar approach to analgesia on to the next level with ultrasound-guided locoregional anaesthesia

More about the course

Learn the core knowledge and skills to undertake hindlimb ultrasound-guided blocks used in the most common procedures for the hindlimb in a visually engaging course taught by internationally recognised experts. 

Over five modules, you will learn why local anaesthesia will make your practice easier and how to select the best local anaesthetic for each case. 

You'll then move on to a masterclass on fundamental ultrasound system controls, how to enhance needle tip visualisation using appropriate probe and preset selection and by employing consistent quality image optimisation.  

Next, learn about specific anatomy for each nerve block, with practical demonstrations for the most commonly used locoregional blocks in the hindlimb, the femoral/saphenous, and the sciatic nerve blocks. 

At the end of the course, we share our Aspire UCS top tips for successful locoregional anaesthesia. 

With over four hours of teaching taught by European Specialists in Veterinary Anaesthesia and advanced practitioners in sonography, this course is the pathway to taking your patient analgesia to the next level. 

Course curriculum

The course is made up of five modules taught by internationally recognised experts in veterinary anaesthesia and sonography. Using high-quality video lessons, course notes and quizzes, you'll learn the skills you need to apply the most common ultrasound-guided locoregional blocks for the hind limb.

    1. First things first, let's find out a little bit more about you!

    2. Introduction to the course

    3. Why use locoregional anaesthesia - clinical considerations

    4. Contraindications for locoregional anaesthesia

    5. Pharmacology of local anaesthetics

    6. Introduction to locoregional anaesthesia (LR) quiz

    1. What is ultrasound and how is the image formed on screen?

    2. Appropriate Probe selection

    3. Ultrasound system set up quiz 1

    4. Essential System Controls For Optimising Your Image

    5. Mastering the in-plane ultrasound needle guidance technique

    6. Ultrasound system setup quiz 2

    1. Patient Preparation

    2. Anatomy of the sciatic nerve

    3. Technique and demonstration of the sciatic nerve block

    4. Anatomy of the saphenous (femoral) nerve

    5. Technique and demonstration of the saphenous (femoral) nerve block

    6. Technique and demonstration of a digital nerve block

    7. Nerve block specific anatomy and practical techniques quiz

    1. Aspire tips and tricks for ultrasound-guided nerve blocks

    2. Top tips for ultrasound-guided locoregional anaesthesia quiz

    1. Course wrap up - where to go from here?

    2. You've completed your Aspire UCS course and have a head full of knowledge! Tell us how you feel NOW about scanning.

    3. Before you go, could we please have a little feedback on this course?

About this course

  • £350.00
  • 24 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content


Toby Trimble

European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Toby is a clinician and assistant professor of veterinary anaesthesia. He has used ultrasound extensively and completed a masters degree in ultrasound-guided locoregional anaesthesia as part of his specialist training. He particularly enjoys teaching students and post-graduate trainees to improve their knowledge and skills.

Angie Lloyd-Jones

Aspire UCS CEO, Advanced Practitioner in Diagnostic Medical and Small Animal Veterinary Ultrasound

Angie trained as a Diagnostic Radiographer in the late 1980s. She started her ultrasound journey in West Sussex in the early 1990s, having not long since qualified as a radiographer in Plymouth, Devon. From there she moved to Wales, on to London and then back to Wales again; with each move she left behind a trail of confident, competent ultrasound practitioners across a wide range of specialities (sonographers, doctors, midwives, nurses, aortic screeners). Angie worked in numerous NHS hospitals across the UK, helping to set up ultrasound services, working her way up to management level, becoming a clinical ultrasound tutor and part-time lecturer for numerous CASE accredited ultrasound programmes. Several decades later she met Julie and after much persuasion, Angie finally took the plunge to leave the NHS and work with Julie as her ‘Head of Ultrasound’ for a UK wide imaging company, further enriching her business and clinical management skills. Four years on and Angie left the company to diversify into small animal ultrasound at specialist level. She soon realised the considerable difficulties faced by primary care vets in particular when training in ultrasound and set upon her mission to make a difference! She is especially passionate about quality, standards and competency-based learning. Covid-19 lockdown gave Julie and Angie the perfect opportunity to write some professional guidelines for small animal abdominal ultrasound. The British Medical Ultrasound Society (BMUS) published 'Small Animal Veterinary Guidelines for Professional Ultrasound Practice' in December 2022 and these have been endorsed by the ECVDI and IVUSS.

Miguel Martínez

European Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia

Miguel is an EBVS & RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia. He qualified in Complutense University, Madrid. He undertook a residency in Anaesthesia at Bristol Vet School, and has a special interest in locoregional anaesthesia and neuroanaesthesia. Miguel is actively involved in training RVNs, interns and residents in anaesthesia-related topics